Message from our Chair: Uvalde, Texas

Dear Democratic Friends,

It is with deeply sorrowful and heavy hearts that we listen to the news and aftermath of the events in Uvalde, Texas.  As the mother of three young, beautiful girls, I cannot imagine the grief and deep sadness that must be in the hearts of the families who have faced this domestic terrorism in their school.  It is unbearable to think how I could go on.  And I am so angered at the unwillingness of Republicans to protect the people they represent.  In the words of Chris Murphy (D-CT), “WHAT ARE WE DOING?”

Enough is enough.  We must all stand up and raise our voices and demand sensible gun laws across this country, many of which are supported by over 80% of Americans, and yet the gun lobby still holds its grip on the Republican politicians that it funds.  Enough is enough.  Our children and citizens deserve to know they are safe when they are in school, when they are shopping at the grocery store, when they are living their lives.  And it is SHAMEFUL that we have Republican representatives who choose money over protecting the lives of U.S. citizens.

We stand in solidarity and honor the victims of the domestic terrorism tragedies in Buffalo and Uvalde.  Let us grieve together and then stand up and fight.  We will vote.  We will win.  Enough IS ENOUGH.

In solidarity,


Nejla Liias, Chair

Saugerties Democratic Committee 

Saugerties Democratic Committee